
2024 Key Dates

Information Session: Thursday 8 August 2024

Special General Meeting: Wednesday 14 August 2024 – Nominations Open

Election Nominations Close: Sunday 25 August 2024

Campaigning Opens: Sunday 1 September 2024

Voting Opens: Wednesday 4 September 2024

Voting Closes: Friday 6 September 2024

Annual General Meeting: Monday 9 September 2024 – Election results announced

2025 LSS Term Begins: Tuesday 1 October 2024

2024 SGM Details

As previously notified the LSS SGM will be taking place on Wednesday the 14th of August at 11:00am

We invite all members to our SGM which marks the beginning of election season.

If you are planning on running in the upcoming election, please ensure that you join this meeting at the following link:


Meeting ID: 881 9991 5387
Passcode: 989801

Information for Attendees:

When entering the call, please change your display name so that it includes your membership number in the following format:

FirstName LastNameMemberID

Election Regulations

At this meeting, a Returning Officer will be appointed to run the election. The Executive has nominated Erin Page, the current Secretary to be Returning Officer this year.

The members will also be asked to vote on the 2024/5 Election Regulations.

Election Information:

Immediately following the appointment of a Returning Officer and other procedural matters, there will be a short session on the Election Regulations for the 2024/5 committee elections, which will include:

– Nomination and voting dates
– Conduct rules for the election period

If you are interested in being on the LSS Committee in the next term, come along and find out more!