LLB Peer Mentoring Program

Whether you’re coming from Year 12 or transferring into Monash Law, the transition into law school can be a tricky one. (We’ve all felt the pressure!) The LSS Peer Mentor Program (PMP) is here to kick-start your law school journey and help you out along the way! For more than 15 years, the PMP has been responsible for facilitating the efficient transition of first year students by fostering positive social relationships, and we look forward to continuing to do so in 2024.

With every first-year law student allocated to a mentoring group, you will be part of a group with approximately 10 fellow first-years and two mentors who study Law at Monash – mentors who’ve been in the very same position you’re in now. Your mentors will be there to guide you through your first year of Law. All mentors are enthusiastic students who’ve had their own personal experiences at university that will allow them to answer any questions you may have – whether they relate to study skills to ace your exams, making the most of campus life, maintaining a balanced lifestyle during semester, or any other uni-related questions you might come across during your first year. Most importantly, they have all been in your shoes within these past few years and want to help in any way possible!

In the lead up to Week 1, as well as during your first semester, the LSS PMP will be running events where you can meet and spend time with your mentors and fellow mentees, make friends, have fun, and prepare you for the exciting road that awaits you! 

Make sure you keep an eye on your inbox for information on meeting your group, and join the Monash Law First Years 2024 Undergraduates Facebook group to stay in touch with your fellow first years!

Keen to support our first years? Help deliver the LLB Peer Mentoring Program.

FOL Revision Seminar

Essay Writing Workshop