Women’s Initiatives


Women in Law Breakfast

The Monash LSS Women’s department presents the 2023 Women in Law Breakfast!

Beyond the glass ceiling, let’s talk about it. The undeniable presence of glass ceilings remains and permeates various legal industry areas. There’s so much talk of the ‘glass ceiling’, and it seems to be a buzzword in discussions around women’s rights, but where exactly do these glass ceilings lie, and how do we identify them? Importantly, what’s beyond them in the legal industry?

This event is the perfect opportunity for woman-identifying or gender-diverse Monash law students to hear from a panel of highly accomplished women in the legal industry, in an inclusive and supportive environment of like-minded women. The conversation will be facilitated and moderated by the Monash LSS Women’s Officers, with attendees enjoying a hot breakfast, tea, and coffee in the Hotel Windsor’s beautiful grandeur. At the end of the discussion, there will be a chance to network and connect with students and panellists.

This event is open to both LSS members and non-members.

Date: Thursday, 4 May.
Time: 7-9AM
Location: The Hotel Windsor, 111 Spring St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Dress code: Corporate

Tickets can be purchased here.

Women’s Pilates Initiative

The Women’s Pilates Initiative seeks to improve balance and well-being among law students in 2023. Open to Monash Postgraduate and Undergraduate students, students will have the opportunuty to de-stress and unwind amidst the demands of the degree, while also connecting with other students through strength/core exercises and stretching.

The first pilates event on campus took place in September 2022 at the Monash Law Chambers, City Campus, as a convenient option for both Postgraduate and Undergraduate students.

Physiotherapist and pilates instructor, Ellen Barber, led the class. The event brought an overwhelmingly positive response, where all ticket sale proceeds went towards the Women’s Halfway House.

The event is returning for its second year in 2023. Ellen has offered to lead the class on campus again, with proceeds going to a women-centric charity of our choice. The Women’s Pilates Initiative will be held on Tuesday 19 September, 2023, at the Monash Law Chambers on Lonsdale St, so keep your eyes peeled for more information closer to the event.

Women’s Bar Night

The Women’s Bar Night encourages women-identifying students to form relationships and a support network with other students, while enjoying a beverage of choice and some light hors d’oeuvres. It perfectly encapsulates themes of diversity and inclusivity in a relaxed and informal setting. The Women’s Bar Night was a big success in 2022. Months later, students continued to reminisce about the occasion and formed connections they utilised throughout the year.

The 2022 event venue was Juliet Melbourne, a bar that supported female winemakers by sourcing 80% of its wine list from them. In 2023, we will select a location that similarity reflects a mindset and value of a female-centric atmosphere and mood. The Women’s Bar Night will be held on Thursday 10 August, 2023.

Pathways and Possibilities Panel

This event intends to offer real-world knowledge and examples of how to succeed in the legal field and strategies to overcome obstacles that women and gender-diverse individuals face in the legal profession.

In 2023, the Women’s Office intends to host this event in person, as it encourages participation and attendance. The event consists of a panel discussion with experts from diverse legal fields, followed by networking open to both LLB and Postgraduate students. It is a well-known event in the Women’s Portfolio, and students frequently cite it as the best of the year. It encourages students to connect with industry professionals that they align with and to pick their brains about legal practice. The Women in Law Pathways & Possibilities Panel will be held on Tuesday 5 September, 2023.